My Thoughts

The Spirit of a Chinese

 Two Chinese girls relayed insight into their culture. Majoring in English, they attended UCO for one semester and returned to China to complete their degree. They lived with us for a few weeks several years ago.  We exchanged many books and one that S. gave me was The Spirit of the Chinese People, a book written […]

My Thoughts

What makes a church?

One hundred religious persons knit into a unity by careful organizations do not constitute a church any more than eleven dead men make a football team. The first requisite is life, always. A. W. Tozer


A blessed Chinese girl

God does amazing work sometimes. Many wonderful Chinese have come to UCO this semester and we’ve had a chance to get to know some of them. Most are from one-child families, as are most Chinese college age students now. Their families put a lot of pressure on them due to being an only child. I think it’s changed […]

My Thoughts

Why Mate for Life?

So, what’s the secret?  Here’s a picture of a mom and dad raising their babies by the pond in my back yard. Maybe we can learn a thing or two from them. “Geese are  fastidious when it comes to loyalty. They’re well known for the long-term pair bonds they form. So what’s their secret? What makes […]


The Wonderland of Poets

The Phantom Island…be assured that such an island actually exists, and has from time to time been revealed to the gaze and trodden by the feet of favored mortals. Historians and philosophers may have their doubts, but its existence has been fully attested by that inspired race, the poets; who, being gifted with a kind […]